Forest is an integrated system for solar photovoltaic parking.

The system has been projected to receive any typology of photovoltaic panel, is available the typology double for two car places set against and the single.

The frame is in cor-ten steel, the beams of support are in galvanized steel.

The single element, when repeated, produces an organic effect tha can be inserted in any landscape context.

Forest is the winner in the design competition (june 2009), for the best carport project for the parking lot inside the florentine hospital areas.

Forest has the approval by the National Department for environmental and beauty of Florence about the project of the new photovoltaic parking of the S.Maria Annunziata Hospital.

Forest has been selected for the prize "Toscana ecoefficiente" third edition - 2009-2010 in the design division. The carport could show the logo “Toscana ecoefficiente".

Pensilina Forest
Pensilina Forest